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Onpay vs NetSuite: Payroll Software Comparison

Onpay vs NetSuite

What is Onpay?

OnPay is a payment aggregator for online stores. With it, payment is possible through electronic financial systems, terminals, banks, money transfer resources, and credit cards. The service supports up to 20 financial input modules. They can be connected and disconnected depending on the tasks set.

Capabilities of OnPay

The service is oriented towards store owners and individual entrepreneurs. The software processes financial transactions and helps pay taxes to employees. Both individuals and legal entities can register.

Key features

  • Free connection and no subscription fee;
  • Low commissions: acquiring from 1%, Fast Payment System from 0.4%;
  • No hidden fees;
  • Offline payment via QR code;
  • The system provides receipts;
  • Payments on a convenient day;
  • Accounting reports generation;
  • Memorizing payer cards;
  • Easy integration with third-party systems.

OnPay comes with a reliable set of tools. The user only needs to provide basic information about the company and set up the payment system. After that, OnPay will conduct transactions automatically.

What is NetSuite?

NetSuite is a unified online business management suite that includes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), financial management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and electronic commerce.

Capabilities of NetSuite 

NetSuite features cross-functional capabilities augmented with marketing analysis and business contact information. It can instantly generate the required financial reports without the need for knowledge or understanding of how to create statements. The software prepares them using the information it receives. It is a versatile solution for those in need of financial management support.

NetSuite was one of the first companies to explore the possibilities of cloud accounting, starting in 1998. Today, NetSuite is a market leader with over 24,000 clients worldwide. Their financials, enterprise resource planning, and suite of commercial software are among the best.

Key features:

NetSuite contains the following five modules:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): This module combines planning, office operations, manufacturing, procurement, supply chain management, and inventory.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): This module includes commission management, marketing and sales automation, as well as partner relationship management.
  • SuiteCommerce: An e-commerce platform combined with an in-store point of sale application that supports both B2B and B2C.
  • Professional Services Automation (PSA): This module offers OpenAir and NetSuite PSA, allowing management of project costs and time, accounting, and personnel. Enterprise Performance Management (EPM): This module helps optimize and forecast budgets. These functions are supported by analyses and reports.

Comparison Chart of Onpay and NetSuite




Target Audience

Small to Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs)

Mid-sized to Large Enterprises

Primary Functionality

Payroll Management

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Additional Functions

HR Management, Benefits Administration

CRM, E-commerce, Financial Management, etc.

Ease of Use

User-friendly interface, intuitive

Complexity varies, may have steeper learning curve

Customization Options

Limited customization

Extensive customization for various modules


Limited scalability for larger enterprises

Designed to scale for growing businesses

Integration Capabilities

Basic integrations with accounting and HR software

Extensive integration options with third-party applications

Support Services

Responsive customer support, compliance assistance

Comprehensive support services including technical support, training, and certification programs

Pricing Model

Subscription-based pricing with per-employee fees

Subscription-based pricing, often based on modules and usage

Mobile Accessibility

Mobile-friendly interface or dedicated mobile apps

Mobile access available, may vary depending on configuration

Main Differences Between Onpay vs NetSuite

OnPay and NetSuite are both software solutions aimed at streamlining business operations, but they cater to different aspects of business management and have distinct features and target markets. Here are the main differences between OnPay and NetSuite:

Target Audience and Scope:

  • OnPay: Primarily targeted towards small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and focused on payroll management. It provides features like payroll processing, tax calculations, and HR functionalities tailored for smaller businesses.
  •  NetSuite: Targeted towards mid-sized to large enterprises, NetSuite offers a comprehensive suite of business management applications, including ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), e-commerce, financial management, and more. It caters to a broader range of business needs beyond just payroll.


  • OnPay: Specializes in payroll processing and related HR functions such as employee self-service portals, benefits management, and compliance assistance. It's designed to be user-friendly and streamlined for small businesses.
  • NetSuite: Offers a comprehensive suite of applications covering various aspects of business operations such as accounting, finance, inventory management, supply chain, CRM, e-commerce, and more. It provides a robust platform for managing complex business processes across different departments.


  •  OnPay: Geared towards smaller businesses, OnPay may lack the scalability needed for larger enterprises with complex organizational structures and extensive business operations.
  • NetSuite: Designed to scale with the growth of a business, NetSuite can accommodate the needs of mid-sized to large enterprises with its modular architecture and extensive customization options.


  • OnPay: While OnPay may offer integrations with other software solutions, its primary focus is on payroll and HR management. Integrations may be more limited compared to a comprehensive ERP system like NetSuite.
  • NetSuite: Known for its strong integration capabilities, NetSuite provides connectors and APIs that allow seamless integration with third-party applications, allowing businesses to create a unified ecosystem that covers various aspects of their operations.


  • OnPay: Typically offers subscription-based pricing, often with a per-employee or per-payroll-run fee. Pricing tends to be more affordable for small businesses compared to the comprehensive suite offered by NetSuite.
  • NetSuite: Pricing for NetSuite can vary widely depending on factors such as the number of users, modules required, and customization needs. NetSuite's pricing tends to be higher due to its extensive features and capabilities, making it more suitable for mid-sized to large enterprises with larger budgets.

In summary, OnPay is a specialized payroll and HR management solution targeted at small to medium-sized businesses, whereas NetSuite is a comprehensive ERP system designed for mid-sized to large enterprises, offering a broad range of business management functionalities beyond just payroll. The choice between the two would depend on the specific needs, size, and growth trajectory of the business.

Similarities Between Onpay vs NetSuite

While OnPay and NetSuite are quite different in terms of their target audience, scope, and functionality, there are still some similarities between them, albeit limited:

Cloud-Based Solutions:

Both OnPay and NetSuite are cloud-based software solutions, which means they are accessed via the internet and do not require on-premises installation or maintenance. This offers the advantage of accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection and often includes automatic updates.


Both platforms offer automation features to streamline business processes. OnPay automates payroll processing tasks such as tax calculations, direct deposits, and year-end reporting. NetSuite, being an ERP system, offers automation across various business functions including finance, inventory management, and order processing.

Compliance Support:

Both OnPay and NetSuite provide features to help businesses stay compliant with relevant regulations. OnPay offers compliance assistance with payroll taxes and regulations, while NetSuite includes features for compliance with financial regulations, tax laws, and industry-specific requirements.

User-Friendly Interface:

While NetSuite is a more comprehensive and complex system, both OnPay and NetSuite strive to provide user-friendly interfaces. OnPay's focus on small businesses often translates into a simpler and more intuitive user experience, while NetSuite's interface may require more training due to its broader range of features and functionalities.

Integration Capabilities:

Both platforms offer some level of integration capabilities. While NetSuite is known for its extensive integration options with various third-party applications and systems, OnPay also provides integrations with other software solutions such as accounting software and time-tracking tools to enhance its functionality.

Customer Support:

Both OnPay and NetSuite typically offer customer support to assist users with questions, issues, and technical support. However, the level and quality of support may vary based on the specific subscription plan or package chosen by the customer.

While these similarities exist, it's important to note that the differences between OnPay and NetSuite are more pronounced, particularly in terms of their target markets, scope, and depth of functionality. Businesses evaluating these solutions should carefully consider their specific needs and requirements to determine which platform best fits their use case.

Onpay vs NetSuite: User Interface

The user interface (UI) of OnPay and NetSuite reflects their respective target markets, functionalities, and design philosophies. Here's a comparison of their user interfaces:


Simplicity: OnPay's UI is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, catering primarily to small business owners and HR professionals who may not have extensive technical expertise. The interface is clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate, with a focus on essential payroll tasks.

Task-Focused Design: The UI is organized around core payroll functions such as processing payroll, managing employee information, and accessing tax forms. Users can easily find the features they need without being overwhelmed by unnecessary complexity.

Dashboard: OnPay typically features a dashboard that provides an overview of important payroll metrics and upcoming tasks. This dashboard often includes widgets or summaries related to payroll processing, tax deadlines, and employee benefits.

Mobile Accessibility: OnPay often offers mobile-friendly interfaces or dedicated mobile apps, allowing users to manage payroll tasks on the go from their smartphones or tablets.


Comprehensive Scope: NetSuite's UI is designed to accommodate the breadth of functionalities it offers, ranging from ERP and CRM to e-commerce and beyond. As a result, the UI can be more complex and feature-rich compared to OnPay.

Customization: NetSuite provides extensive customization options for the UI, allowing users to tailor their workspace to their specific roles and preferences. This can include rearranging dashboards, creating custom fields, and designing personalized workflows.

Role-Based Dashboards: NetSuite often features role-based dashboards that display relevant information and tasks based on the user's role within the organization. This ensures that each user sees the most pertinent data and tools for their responsibilities.

Multi-Tab Navigation: Given the depth of functionalities available in NetSuite, users often navigate through multiple tabs and submenus to access different modules and features. This hierarchical structure may require some familiarization for new users.

Advanced Reporting: NetSuite offers robust reporting capabilities, allowing users to generate custom reports and analytics to gain insights into various aspects of their business operations. The UI includes tools for creating, scheduling, and sharing reports efficiently.

Onpay vs NetSuite: Ease of Use

Comparing the ease of use between OnPay and NetSuite involves considering the user experience, learning curve, and accessibility of both platforms. Here's a breakdown:


Intuitive Interface: OnPay is known for its user-friendly interface, designed with simplicity in mind. The layout is intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and find the features they need without extensive training.

Focused Functionality: Since OnPay specializes in payroll management, its interface is streamlined and focused primarily on payroll-related tasks. This narrow focus can contribute to a more straightforward user experience, especially for small business owners and HR professionals who may not have extensive technical expertise.

Guided Processes: OnPay often provides guided processes for common tasks such as setting up payroll, adding employees, and running payroll. These step-by-step instructions can help users quickly accomplish their objectives with minimal confusion.

Customer Support: OnPay typically offers responsive customer support to assist users with any questions or issues they encounter. This support can include live chat, email support, knowledge base articles, and video tutorials to help users get up to speed.


Comprehensive Features: NetSuite's ease of use can vary depending on the user's familiarity with ERP systems and the specific modules they are utilizing. While NetSuite offers a comprehensive suite of business management applications, this breadth of functionality can sometimes lead to a steeper learning curve, especially for new users.

Customization Options: NetSuite provides extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor the interface to their specific roles and preferences. While this flexibility is beneficial for accommodating diverse business needs, it can also require additional time and effort to configure the system according to individual requirements.

Training Resources: NetSuite typically offers training resources such as documentation, tutorials, webinars, and in-person training sessions to help users learn how to use the platform effectively. These resources can be valuable for reducing the learning curve and maximizing productivity.

Support Services: NetSuite often provides dedicated support services to assist users with implementation, configuration, and ongoing maintenance of the system. This support may include access to technical experts, account managers, and customer success teams to address any challenges or concerns.

Onpay vs NetSuite: Customer Support

Comparing the customer support provided by OnPay and NetSuite involves evaluating factors such as responsiveness, accessibility, expertise, and the range of support options available. Here's a comparison of customer support for both platforms:


Responsive Support: OnPay is known for its responsive customer support. Users often praise the company for its quick response times and willingness to assist with any issues or questions they encounter.

Multiple Support Channels: OnPay typically offers multiple support channels to accommodate different user preferences. These may include email support, phone support during business hours, live chat assistance, and a knowledge base with articles and tutorials.

Dedicated Support Representatives: OnPay may assign dedicated support representatives to assist users with ongoing issues or complex inquiries. This personalized approach can help build rapport and ensure continuity in resolving issues.

Compliance Assistance: Given OnPay's focus on payroll management, the company often provides specialized support and guidance related to payroll taxes, compliance requirements, and other regulatory matters. This can be valuable for small business owners navigating complex payroll regulations.


Comprehensive Support Services: NetSuite typically offers comprehensive support services tailored to the needs of its enterprise customers. This may include access to technical support specialists, customer success managers, and account managers dedicated to addressing various aspects of implementation, configuration, and ongoing support.

Global Support Network: NetSuite's support infrastructure is designed to accommodate its global customer base, with support available in multiple languages and time zones. This ensures that users can receive assistance regardless of their location.

Knowledge Base and Community Forums: NetSuite provides a wealth of resources for self-service support, including a knowledge base with documentation, tutorials, best practices, and community forums where users can exchange ideas, ask questions, and troubleshoot issues collaboratively.

Training and Certification Programs: NetSuite offers training and certification programs for users and administrators to enhance their proficiency with the platform. These programs can help users develop the skills needed to maximize their productivity and effectiveness when using NetSuite.

In summary, both OnPay and NetSuite prioritize customer support and strive to provide users with the assistance they need to succeed. OnPay offers responsive support tailored to the needs of small businesses, with a focus on payroll-related issues and compliance assistance. NetSuite provides comprehensive support services geared towards enterprise customers, with a global support network, extensive self-service resources, and training programs to empower users to leverage the full capabilities of the platform. Ultimately, the effectiveness of customer support will depend on factors such as the specific needs of the user, the complexity of the issues being addressed, and the level of expertise required.

Which Payroll Software Is Better: Onpay vs NetSuite?

Determining which payroll software is better, OnPay or NetSuite, depends on various factors such as the size and complexity of your business, your specific payroll needs, budget constraints, and integration requirements. Here's a comparison to help you make an informed decision:

OnPay may be a better choice if:

  1. You have a small to medium-sized business: OnPay is designed specifically for SMBs, offering a user-friendly interface and streamlined payroll management features suitable for smaller organizations.
  2. You prioritize simplicity and ease of use: OnPay is known for its intuitive interface and straightforward approach to payroll processing, making it easy for non-technical users to manage payroll tasks efficiently.
  3. You need compliance assistance: OnPay specializes in payroll compliance and provides guidance and support to help businesses navigate complex tax regulations, making it a good choice for businesses needing assistance in this area.
  4. You have a limited budget: OnPay's subscription-based pricing with per-employee fees may be more cost-effective for small businesses compared to the comprehensive suite of functionalities offered by NetSuite.

NetSuite may be a better choice if:

  1. You have a mid-sized to large enterprise: NetSuite is designed to scale with the growth of businesses, offering a comprehensive suite of ERP functionalities beyond just payroll, making it suitable for larger organizations with complex business operations.
  2. You need integration with other business systems: NetSuite offers extensive integration capabilities, allowing businesses to create a unified ecosystem by integrating payroll with other critical business systems such as accounting, CRM, and e-commerce.
  3. You require customization and flexibility: NetSuite provides extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the system to their specific needs and workflows, making it suitable for businesses with unique payroll requirements or industry-specific regulations.
  4. You prioritize comprehensive business management: If your business requires more than just payroll management and you need functionalities such as financial management, CRM, inventory management, and e-commerce, NetSuite's comprehensive suite of ERP applications may be the better choice.

In summary, OnPay is a suitable choice for small to medium-sized businesses prioritizing simplicity, compliance assistance, and affordability, while NetSuite is better suited for mid-sized to large enterprises requiring comprehensive ERP functionalities, integration capabilities, customization, and scalability. It's essential to carefully evaluate your business needs and priorities to determine which payroll software aligns best with your requirements.