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Why do you need your own CRM manager?

CRM Manager

After purchasing a CRM system, businesses have a lot on their plate, from preparing project documentation to creating technical specifications for integrators. Then, everything needs to be set up, checked, and launched, and employees also need to be trained.

Once the CRM is configured and managers are trained, it may seem like the challenges are behind. However, that's not the case. Salespeople don't always succeed in closing deals, and problems may arise in the CRM. It would be great if someone could come to the rescue promptly and guide through any uncertainties. Hence, companies appoint or hire a CRM manager—a person responsible for the smooth operation of the CRM.

CRM systems become valuable assistants in establishing productive relationships with the client base, helping to work on prospective deals and increasing business profitability. CRM managers are also referred to as customer service specialists, CRM analysts, and so on. If a company values increasing profitability and pleasing customers, a CRM manager will help achieve the set goals.

What does a CRM Manager do?

A CRM manager is a specialist who possesses comprehensive knowledge of CRM. It's a kind of symbiosis between a marketer and a tech-savvy professional. They configure system integrations with other software, extract reports, and automate tasks that were previously done manually by salespeople.

The manager is responsible for technical documentation and implementing CRM across various departments within the company. They also train other employees and guide them on how to navigate through creating deals or sales funnels. However, this is only part of their responsibilities.


The CRM manager analyzes customer data, from phone numbers to purchase history, and utilizes it to promote the business—setting up advertisements, email campaigns, and push notifications for those more likely to make a purchase. The manager can identify such customers within the overall contact database.

Additionally, the manager analyzes buying behavior, determining when demand rises or falls and why. They then advise the director on actions to take, such as launching promotions for warehouse stock, adding new products to the assortment, or encouraging upselling by salespeople. All recommendations are backed by calculations and figures.

Partner relations

The CRM manager can implement loyalty programs, knowing when it's beneficial to award cashback to customers and how to calculate it. The program acts as a bridge between the business and customers, with the manager as the bridge builder.

The manager configures cashback settings within CRM. Consequently, the system automatically calculates the bonus size from a purchase and credits the percentage to the customer's account or calculates discounts, depending on the configuration.

Customer service

Conducting customer surveys through the CRM system to gauge people's sentiments is part of the manager's role. This helps identify whether customers are displeased with the service or, conversely, recommending the company to others with positive reviews.

If surveys reveal shortcomings, the manager devises ways to address them and conveys recommendations to the management. Subsequently, the management improves the service.

Managing customer database

The CRM system manager ensures that the database remains clutter-free, planning and executing clean-ups. They decide when and how often to remove inactive numbers, saving salespeople time from calling non-existent clients.

Additionally, the manager oversees the immediate inclusion of new clients in the CRM database as soon as their contacts are obtained. This involves configuring integrations with various business web resources, such as websites, mailing platforms, social media, and messaging apps.

Analytics and Reporting

The manager configures and extracts reports on sales, customers, and deals. However, it's not just about extracting data. They also need to find statistical information, identify reasons, such as why sales were lower this month than the previous one, and explain the findings to others. All of this is carried out by the CRM manager, who reports the results to the management.

Who Should You Choose as a CRM Manager?

The role of a CRM manager can be taken on by a director, manager, or chief salesperson. However, if the workload with CRM is substantial, combining it with primary responsibilities can be challenging. In such cases, it is more reasonable to consider hiring a new employee.60259-web-design-illustration

When a separate specialist is needed, if a company has numerous departments and sales teams, a constantly growing customer base, and investors demanding regular reports, the CRM workload can become significant. A qualified specialist is required to handle this work without distraction from other duties. In such situations, the decision to hire a dedicated professional for these tasks is often made.

If a business plans to utilize CRM data for marketing campaigns, a person with experience and knowledge in marketing is needed. The ideal choice here may be a CRM marketer. This ensures the rational allocation of the advertising budget, attracts new customers and increases sales.

When combining responsibilities is possible. If the primary goal of the business is sales and marketing, loyalty programs, and email campaigns are not as critical, CRM manager tasks can be delegated to any office employee. A novice manager may need training, but eventually, they can share their experience with other colleagues, explaining how to effectively use CRM or even configure integrations.

When to Consider Hiring a CRM Manager?

The decision to appoint a CRM manager depends on the nature of the business. In certain cases, delaying the hiring of a CRM manager for a year may not have any adverse effects, and the business can continue operating as usual. However, there are instances where the company's profitability and reputation are at stake, making postponement not an option. Here are five scenarios illustrating when a manager is needed urgently.

  • Disorder in the customer database: This occurs when none of the salespeople are actively managing the CRM database. Duplicate contacts, spam traps, and outdated numbers no longer serviced by mobile operators may be present.

  • Launching marketing initiatives: As a business initially opens, the focus is primarily on sales to quickly recoup investments. When funds start flowing, marketing activities such as promotions and advertising are introduced to attract new customers and enhance earnings. Implementing marketing strategies without proper knowledge and experience can lead to the risk of losing funds due to incorrect marketing strategies and advertising settings.

  • Lack of sales plan and KPI: Sales should not be conducted haphazardly; having a plan is crucial. A well-defined plan immediately outlines the minimum sales threshold to avoid losses. Without a sales plan, employees operate without structure, with varying levels of sales and identical salaries and quarterly bonuses, leading to a lack of motivation.

  • Outdated CRM system: If the CRM system has not been updated since its purchase, integrating new messengers, social networks, databases, platforms, and web services requires immediate attention. Integrating them with the CRM system ensures that the system automatically gathers inquiries and transfers them to managers, preventing the loss of any clients.

  • Customer dissatisfaction and negative online reviews: Negative online reviews do not benefit the business; they turn potential buyers against it. Unhappy customers often share their negative experiences, discouraging potential clients. Addressing these issues promptly is crucial to retaining potential clients and avoiding financial losses.

In conclusion, a CRM manager is essential when a business faces problems such as negative online feedback or disorder in the contact database. Alternatively, when marketing tasks need attention, hiring a CRM specialist with marketing expertise is a wise move. If the company already has a well-maintained CRM, the responsibility can be delegated to an existing employee who, while occasionally assisting others with CRM tasks, remains focused on their primary responsibilities. However, having no manager can pose challenges, particularly if issues arise with system settings, necessitating an urgent search for a solution. It is preferable when such a person is already part of the team.

Duties of CRM Manager

Management of the company's customer base

The responsibility of a CRM manager includes efficient management of the customer base, involving the following tasks:

  • Updating information in the database and regularly refreshing customer information.
  • Organizing timely data updates, delegating this work to other managers.
  • Monitoring the CRM system's performance and addressing potential issues.
  • Exploring potential methods for enhancing the CRM system.
  • Analyzing data and working with statistical information.

CRM managers also play a crucial role in educating the sales department staff on working with the system and utilizing its functionality.

Conducting marketing projects

The duties of a CRM manager also encompass tasks related to using gathered data for the development and implementation of marketing projects. Key responsibilities in this area include:

  • Developing plans for monthly marketing campaigns and events.
  • Cleaning up the customer database, removing unnecessary information, and supplementing it with essential data.
  • Sending informational emails to clients and preparing message layouts.
  • Organizing and conducting promotional events, engaging partners and clients in activities.
  • Planning, monitoring, and preparing reports on conducted events.

A CRM manager studies and oversees the implementation of marketing action plans and events throughout the calendar month to attract new buyers and maintain the interest of existing customers.

Customer interaction

In addition to analytical work, organizational tasks, and personnel supervision, a CRM manager also interacts directly with customers:

  • Organizing and participating in negotiations.
  • Conducting surveys.
  • Coordinating consistent communication with customers.
  • Analyzing the history of interactions with customers to identify the most promising ways to close deals.

A CRM manager leads all customer-related activities, communicating directly with them. The specialist helps identify the primary needs and desires of the target audience, thereby increasing sales and improving the communication skills of other managers with clients.

Interaction with partners

Building and improving relations with partners is also within the competence of a CRM manager. The main work in partner interaction revolves around loyalty programs. These are marketing initiatives aimed at increasing trust levels among customers, contractors, and partners.

The duties of a manager in interacting with partners include:

  • Communication and identification of key needs and issues.
  • Assessment of the reliability of business partners.
  • Organization and participation in meetings, negotiations, and other activities.

Examples of loyalty programs include the opportunity to obtain discount or bonus cards and cumulative discount systems.

Working with company experts

The profitability of a business depends on the coordinated work of all departments. A CRM manager coordinates and participates in various processes, interacting with company employees:

  • Development of tasks for programmers.
  • Allocation of tasks among promotion specialists and managers.
  • Formulation of tasks for copywriters and SMM specialists.
  • Instructions for owners of locations for events and retail stores.
  • Monitoring work with customers.

The responsibility of a CRM manager extends beyond the development of a brand and business promotion strategy, covering control over its implementation.

Pros and cons of the CRM Manager Profession

The CRM manager profession has its distinctive features and advantages, as well as drawbacks, which are typical for many other fields of activity.

Positive aspects of the job:

  • High demand in the job market, ensuring stability and career growth opportunities;
  • Exciting project work that allows for creative approaches and innovations;
  • Satisfactory remuneration, serving as a significant incentive for development.

Negative sides of working in the CRM field:

  • The need to effectively handle multiple tasks simultaneously, which can be exhausting;
  • Significant responsibility for developing marketing strategies and interacting with clients;
  • Unpredictable working hours, which may pose challenges in maintaining a balanced life;
  • The requirement for constant interaction with a diverse group of people.

In the role of a CRM manager, essential skills include planning, analysis, and effective collaboration with colleagues, clients, and partners. This demands a high level of organizational and communication skills.

Where to Study for a CRM Manager

It is best for a CRM manager to acquire education in marketing. A diploma in marketing can be obtained from universities with specialized faculties, such as public relations. In addition to formal education, it is necessary to complete specific courses in CRM management and master special programs and systems.

Employers typically seek professionals with experience. Initially, a novice CRM manager may have to gain experience with a relatively low salary.

Career Path of a CRM Manager

After completing their education, a manager can try their hand at a client relations internship. Following the internship, professionals advance to the position of junior CRM manager. With diligence, employees can then progress to the role of CRM manager.

A career in client relations offers certain prospects. CRM managers can become heads of sales and CRM departments, as well as directors of client relations. Working in CRM is interesting but requires a serious approach, quality knowledge in various fields, patience, and a willingness to work hard and diligently.


  • A CRM manager is a professional who possesses comprehensive knowledge in CRM, from understanding how its tools work to locating reports and configuring integrations or automating tasks. In addition to this, the manager conducts training among salespersons and managers, providing assistance in implementing the system in neighboring departments of the company.

  • However, the responsibilities of a CRM manager go beyond mere configurations. The manager is well-versed in marketing, capable of setting up loyalty programs, and conducting surveys to assess customer attitudes towards the business.

  • Usually, hiring a CRM manager externally is not obligatory. Their tasks can be delegated to someone among the sales team. However, this is feasible if the volume of CRM work is small, and there is no need for involvement in marketing.

  • If the workload related to CRM is substantial – such as the need to generate reports, analyze demand, or configure mailings – an experienced professional is required. It is better to seek and hire such a specialist separately.

  • Operating without a CRM specialist is possible but risky. In case something breaks, disconnects, or stops working in CRM, finding a specialist capable of fixing everything will be an urgent necessity. This could easily paralyze the business for a day or two.