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Rippling Dashboard
Rippling Dashboard
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Rippling Dashboard
Rippling Dashboard
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Rippling Dashboard
Rippling Dashboard


Rippling is a cloud-based platform that combines HR and payroll functions into one integrated system. With Rippling, small business owners can automate their entire employee management process, from hiring to termination, and beyond. The platform provides tools and features to streamline essential HR tasks such as employee onboarding, document management, benefits administration, time tracking, and most importantly, payroll processing.

Benefits of Rippling for Small Businesses

  1. Simplified Payroll Processing: Rippling simplifies and automates the payroll process, saving business owners precious time and ensuring accuracy. The platform seamlessly calculates employee wages, deductions, and taxes, all while keeping up with current regulations and compliance requirements.
  2. Employee Self-Service Portal: Rippling provides employees with a self-service portal where they can access their payroll information, tax documents, pay stubs, and benefits details. This empowers employees to manage and update their personal information, saving time for both employees and HR personnel.
  3. Integration with Time Tracking: Rippling includes a built-in time tracking system that integrates with the payroll module. This integration allows for accurate calculations of hours worked, overtime, and time off, resulting in precise and timely payroll processing.
  4. Customizable Reporting and Analytics: The reporting and analytics features in Rippling allow business owners and HR personnel to assess labor costs, track payroll expenses, and generate insightful reports. This data-driven approach helps small businesses in making informed decisions and optimizing their payroll and workforce management strategies.
  5. Compliance and Security: Rippling ensures compliance with tax laws and regulations, minimizing the risk of payroll errors and potential penalties. The platform automatically calculates and withholds payroll taxes, generates tax forms, and provides a secure environment to protect sensitive employee data.

Features of Rippling's Payroll System

  1. Automated Payroll Processing: Rippling's payroll system automatically calculates and processes the employee's pay based on predefined parameters such as hourly rates, salary, deductions, and tax rules. This automation eliminates manual errors and saves time during the payroll cycle.
  2. Direct Deposit and Paperless Payroll: Rippling supports direct deposits, allowing employees to receive their wages directly into their bank accounts. Additionally, the platform offers paperless payroll options, reducing administrative tasks and paper waste.
  3. Tax Filing and Compliance: Rippling takes care of all tax filings and ensures compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. The system automatically generates and submits tax forms such as W-2s and 1099s, reducing the burden on business owners and HR teams.
  4. Time Off Management: Rippling's payroll system includes time off management capabilities, allowing employees to request time off and track their remaining balances. These features simplify the process of managing vacations, sick leaves, and other absences.
  5. Integration with Third-Party Tools: Rippling offers seamless integration with various third-party systems, such as accounting software and benefits providers, making it easy to synchronize payroll data and streamline overall business operations.

List of Alternatives:

Deel Payroll


Ease of Use


Customer Service




Value for Money



Ease of Use


Customer Service




Value for Money

Paycor, Inc

Paycor, Inc

Ease of Use


Customer Service




Value for Money
